Page 3 - 04c The Seven Churhces-Laodicea
P. 3
Stephen N. Haskell
“Seal not the sayings of the prophecy of this book: for the time is at
hand” Revelation 22:10.
the court of heaven, and Christ will stand as
the faithful and true Witness; but Satan as the
accuser of the brethren. “The Beginning of the
Creation of God,” who gave His life at the
foundation of the world, is watching His
people in the closing hours of probationary
time. The cry, “Babylon is fallen,” was
proclaimed when the churches rejected the
advent message; and as in the Thyatira period,
the true separated from those who turned
from the light; so in the days when the
principles of Protestantism are again
disregarded, this time by the daughters of
Babylon, a separation is necessary. The light of
the sixteenth century came from an opened
Bible. Justification by faith was made known
as opposed to justification by works. Later the