Page 3 - Eloise Funeral Bulletin-Precious Memories & Tributes
P. 3

Tribute by Marion Joseph
                                Christ is as the bittersweet flower, who is the                   Colleague & Friend who shared her Christian Fellowship.
                                Truth  by  which  we  are  sanctified,  elevated,
                                purified,  enlightened,  and  transformed  (see           Revelation 14:13 states, “From henceforth happy are the dead who die in the

                                John 17:17; Acts 20:32; 1 Peter 1;22; Ephesians           Lord… Happy indeed says the Spirit, for they rest from their labour and their
                                                                                          works do follow them.”
                                1:18).  He is the Way-that leads in the ”paths of
                                righteousness  for  His  name  sake:  and  “In  the       Yes,  Sister  Dean  is  resting  peacefully,  but  she  has  left  behind  godly
                                way  of  righteousness  is  life…”  (Psalm  23:3;         examples for us to follow.
                                Proverbs 12:28).  He is the life, “the source of
                                our life, the source of our immortality.                  Example  #1:    As  a  Bible  Worker  working  alongside  the  pastors  during
                                                                                          evangelistic crusades, helping to prepare candidates for baptism.

                                                                                          Example #2:  As a great teacher, whether in the K8 classes or high school.
                                Christ is as the bluebell flower, humble, meek,           As a high school religion teacher, God blessed her with the gift of explaining
                                and lowly in heart.  For our sakes, “He                   to the students the 2300 days prophecy, and the sanctuary.
                                humbled Himself and became obedient unto
                                death.”                                                   Example #3:  Caring for others. While heading the religion department at
                                                                                          Miami Union Academy, Sister Dean formed a club known as “The Bedside
                                                                                          Ministry.”  She and the students of that club took time to visit the sick at
                                                                                          home, in the nursing home, and in the hospital taking cards and flowers and
                                                                                          praying with the sick.

                                                                                          Example #4:  She was an example of hospitality.  Her house could rightly
                               Christ is as the fern, our Shelter in the midst of         be  called,  “A  HOUSE  BY  THE  SIDE  OF  THE  ROAD”,  for  there  she
                               our  storms,  joining  our  weakness  to  His              sheltered and fed many.
                               strength,  power  and  might  as  the  nasturtium
                               flower, and our ignorance to His wisdom as the             Sister Dean’s whole life could be summed up as one of service and prayer.
                               iris  flower,  our  unworthiness  to  His                  All who knew Sister Dean would agree with me that her motto was “Let Us
                               righteousness as the violet, and our poverty to            Pray”.  Now those lips are silent, I will never again hear her say to me “MJ,
                               His  exhaustless  wealth  as  the  yellow  poppy.          let us pray”.
                               (See 2 Corinthians 12:9; Isaiah 11:2,3).
                                                                                          But family and friends, let us put into action the examples she has left behind
                                                                                          and let us daily surrender our lives to God.  For the golden morning is fast
                                                                                          approaching when Jesus soon will come, to take us His faithful children to
                                                                                          that Promised Land.  Then in our immortal flesh we will rise to seize the
                              Christ is as our forget-me-not, for He “will                everlasting  prize.    And  in  my  sanctified  ears,  I  will  hear  Sister  Dean
                              never leave thee, nor forsake thee and He                   shouting: Farewell, farewell sweet hour of prayer.  For the darkening veil
                              promises to be “with you always, even unto the              which sin has caused will be removed, and we shall see Him face to face to
                              end of the world (Hebrews 13:5; Matthew                     give Him praise and thanks for His redeeming grace.
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