Page 8 - Eloise Funeral Bulletin-Precious Memories & Tributes
P. 8

When I think of Sister Dean, my heart fills with gratitude for the many
       hours  she  spent  encouraging  me,  reading  to  me,  praying  for  me,  and
       counseling me. Even though the sting of death is great, I will not grieve for

       her too long. The reason is, I know that she has a crown waiting for her
       which the Lord shall give to her when he comes, and I am very confident
       that her crown will have many stars. One of those stars will represent the
       fact, that she drew me to Jesus and did all that she could to make sure that
       I would stay on the path of righteousness.

       It has been a while since we have spoken, so I know we will have a whole
       lot of catching up to do. I will not say goodbye, just see you soon, and oh
       what a day that will be.

                           Tribute by Tangela Major
                       Goddaughter & friend who shared her
                          Ministry & Christian Fellowship

       Growing up, it was important for me to foster warm, personal relationships.
       Although, Mrs. Dean was my firm instructor, she was one of my favorites
       with whom I shared such warmth.  Some would call me the teachers-pet.
       But truth be told, she was my other mother.  I’ll never forget the weekends
       I spent in her home and the times spent travelling with the family in the
       RV, back and forth to Camp Meeting and Key West.  Those fond memories
       are tied around my neck. Memories I hold deep within my heart.  Momma
       Dean was God-Fearing.  She had wisdom.  She was prayerful.   She had a
       good reputation.  But most all, she was kind to me.   Her positive impact
       on my life is not only a matter of conviction in my spirit, but it flourishes
       in actual situations, in common tasks, in relationships.  Her instructions
       helped form the fabrics of my existence, and I am forever grateful.  I will
       always treasure her memory as God’s gift to me.  Thank you, Momma
       Dean.  May you rest in peace.
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