Page 6 - Eloise Funeral Bulletin-Precious Memories & Tributes
P. 6

Tribute by Coleen Vickers                                                         Her Favorite Colors
      Family & friend who shared her Ministry, Life, & Christian Fellowship                                          White, Red, & Blue

      It is with love, gratitude, and deep respect that I recall the valuable times      WHITE, the essence of light, is produced by the union of all the colors, except

      spent with Eloise Dean, affectionately called Aunt Lois and mom by so              black. In Scripture it depicts virtue and righteousness, and proclaims the perfect
      many. She has been a source of spiritual inspiration and support for so            character of Jesus, the Son of Righteousness, who taught: “Let your light so
      many whom she calls her children. I have been blessed to have had the              shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father
      privilege of spending time in Aunt Lois’ home and then after to maintain           which is in Heaven” (Matthew 5:16).
      a close relationship with her. Aunt Lois would start and end each day with
      The Lord, and many hours in between were spent in prayer and in-depth              RED,  the  symbol  of  blood,  is  the  very  foundation  of  the  processes  of
      study from the Bible, Sabbath School quarterlies, E. G. White books and            forgiveness and cleansing.  For “without the shedding of blood is no remission”
      others which would be strewn all over her bed as we study. I have never            of sin, and “In Him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of
      seen another person spend so much time in studies and prayers. Whenever            sins, according to the riches of His grace (Hebrews 9:22; Ephesians 1:7). These
      she  calls  me,  she  would  always  ask  ‘how  is  your  faith  baby’?  Her       steps  she  taught  in  bringing  souls  to  Christ.    For  the  Lord  has  promised:
      conversations were encouraging and spiritually uplifting. She praises the          …though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they
      Lord in everything - small and great, whether for a good parking space or          be red like crimson, they shall be as wool” (Isaiah 1:18).
      major event. Truly Aunt Lois is a godly woman of faith and of a Christlike
      character, and a confidant, who has certainly helped in my spiritual growth.       BLUE, the color of fidelity and obedience, is depicted by the sapphire platform
      I thank God for her influence on my life and pray He rewards her when He           of  God’s  throne  and  the  Ten  Commandments  {cf.  Exodus  24:10}.  It  was
      comes for all she has done and been to me.                                         embroidered in the border of the children of Israel’s garment reminding them
                                                                                         of their duty to love God supremely, and their neighbor as themselves. {cf.
                           Tribute by Donna Charles                                      Numbers 15:37-41}.
              Mentee who shared her Ministry & Christian Fellowship
                                                                                         Covered  in  Christ’s  white  robe  of  righteousness,  plunged  in  the  scarlet,
      I will be forever grateful to God for the time from my mid-teens when I            crimson,  red,  redemptive  blood  of  the  Lamb,  through  Christ’s  imputed
      met Mrs Dean, and all of the Encouragement, Love, and Ongoing                      obedience and in the power of the Spirit, Eloise went forth in perfect obedience
                                                                                         to do what her Heavenly Father commanded. “Go ye therefore, and teach all
      Inspiration, Support and Empathy that she has extended to me over the              nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the
      years. I know that I’m among many who wished that her time with us was             Holy  Ghost:  Teaching  them  to  observe  all  things  whatsoever  I  have
      longer. My experiences with Mrs Dean, have led me to believe that only             commanded you: and lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of world.
      the books of Heaven can adequately reveal the impact that she has made             Amen” Matthew 28:19, 20.
      on others. I take solace in believing, with all my heart, that the spot where
      this beloved lady will be laid to rest, will be well-marked until Jesus comes
      to take the faithful home!
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