Page 12 - 02 The Author of the Revelation
P. 12
Stephen N. Haskell
“Seal not the sayings of the prophecy of this book: for the time is at
hand” Revelation 22:10.
Here is the position to which He calls us. He
“hath made us kings,” to sit on thrones and
rule; “and priests” to minister “unto God and
His Father.” And yet, when on earth, He had
said, “He that is greatest among you, let him be he that doth serve.” The joint-heirs with
Christ rule while still on earth, but their
authority here is by virtue of the “power of an
endless life,” and they are leaders, not in a
physical sense, but in the spiritual realm. The
scepter that they sway is not carnal and
temporal, but eternal. The position is above
earthly potentates, and the wonderful part of
it all is, that, in the world, which is in the hands
of the prince of evil, Christ has a nation of
kings and priests,-a kingdom within a
kingdom. “This is a great mystery: but I speak
concerning Christ and the church.”