Page 15 - 02 The Author of the Revelation
P. 15


                                             Stephen N. Haskell

                 “Seal not the sayings of the prophecy of this book: for the time is at
                                              hand” Revelation 22:10.

               central  truth  in  giving  the  life  of  Christ.  To

               John on Patmos it was a day of holy joy. The

               Saviour  came  divinely  near,  and  as  John

               contemplated  scenes  in  his  own  association

               with Christ, the Man of God, his heart warmed

               with praise. In imagination he stood by Jordan,

               and saw the baptism of the Holy Spirit: again

               he  was  on  the  Mount  of  Transfiguration;  he

               saw the pained face of the Master as they sat

               around the table on that last night; an agony of

               feeling passed over him as he recalled the trial,

               the condemnation, and the death; but it was

               replaced by the joy of the resurrection, and the

               remembrance  of  those  last  words  as  the

               clouds  caught  Him  from  the  sight  of  men.

               John’s  love  for  Christ  was  so  strong  that  it

               seemed his Master must surely speak to him

               again. And he heard behind him a great voice
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