Page 16 - 02 The Author of the Revelation
P. 16


                                             Stephen N. Haskell

                 “Seal not the sayings of the prophecy of this book: for the time is at
                                              hand” Revelation 22:10.

               as  of  a  trumpet,  and  Christ,  his  own  Christ,

               stood by his side. “I am the first, but I am also

               the last. ‘I am Alpha and Omega.’ Write what

               thou seest in a book and send it unto the seven

               churches which are in Asia.”

               He spoke in trumpet tones,  like  the  clearest

               music, and the voice was as the sound of many

               waters; but still, to John He was the same Jesus

               whom  he  had  known  in  Galilee  and  in

               Jerusalem.  Not  now  despised,  mocked,  and

               rejected, but standing in the midst of the seven

               candlesticks,-the  churches,  their  light  being

               the reflection of His own. He was clothed, not

               in the cast-off purple robe, but in a garment of

               righteousness of dazzling whiteness, and girt

               about the loins with the golden girdle of truth.

               The purity of God Himself encircled His brow
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