Page 87 - 08 Vision of the Ram, He-Goat and Little Horn
P. 87


                            ~The Response of History to the Voice of Prophecy~

                            Chapter 8 – Vision of the Ram, He-Goat & Little Horn
                   the  demand  of  life  by  the  law  is  thus

               satisfied.               The           blood             of        the          victim,

               representative  of  a  forfeited  life,  and  the

               vehicle  of  its  guilt,  was  then  taken  by  the

               priest, and ministered before the Lord.

               The  sin  of  the  individual  was  thus,  by  his

               confession, by the slaying of the victim, and by

               the  ministry  of  the  priest,  transferred  from

               himself to  the  sanctuary.  Victim after victim

               was thus offered by the people. Day by day the

               work  went  forward;  and  thus  the  sanctuary

               continually became the receptacle of the sins

               of the congregation. But this was not the final

               disposition  of  these  sins.  The  accumulated

               guilt was removed by a special service, which

               was called the cleansing of the sanctuary. This

               service, in the type, occupied one day in the

               year; and the tenth day of the seventh month,
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