Page 84 - 08 Vision of the Ram, He-Goat and Little Horn
P. 84
~The Response of History to the Voice of Prophecy~
Chapter 8 – Vision of the Ram, He-Goat & Little Horn
things themselves, the sanctuary of this
dispensation, the true tabernacle, which the
Lord pitched, and not man, must be cleansed
with better sacrifices, even with the blood of
We now inquire, What is the nature of this
cleansing, and how is it to be accomplished?
According to the language of Paul, just quoted,
it is performed by means of blood. The
cleansing is not, therefore, a cleansing from
physical uncleanness or impurity; for blood is
not the agent used in such a work. And this
consideration should satisfy the objector’s
mind in regard to the cleansing of the
heavenly things. The fact that Paul speaks of
heavenly things to be cleansed, does not prove
that there is any physical impurity in heaven;
for that is not the kind of cleansing to which he