Page 80 - 08 Vision of the Ram, He-Goat and Little Horn
P. 80


                            ~The Response of History to the Voice of Prophecy~

                            Chapter 8 – Vision of the Ram, He-Goat & Little Horn
                   sanctuary  of  his  people  at  Jerusalem;  so

               would any one  under that dispensation. But

               does  the  declaration  of  Daniel  8:14  have

               reference  to  that  sanctuary?  That  depends

               upon  the  time  to  which  it  applies.  All  the

               declarations  respecting  the  sanctuary  which

               apply  under  the  old  dispensation,  have

               respect,  of  course,  to  the  sanctuary  of  that

               dispensation; and all those declarations which

               apply  in  this  dispensation,  must  have

               reference                 to         the          sanctuary                 of        this

               dispensation.  If  the  2300  days,  at  the

               termination  of  which  the  sanctuary  is  to  be

               cleansed,  ended  in  the  former  dispensation,

               the  sanctuary  to  be  cleansed  was  the

               sanctuary of that time. If they reach over into

               this  dispensation,  the  sanctuary  to  which

               reference  is  made  is  the  sanctuary  of  this

               dispensation, — the new-covenant sanctuary
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