Page 79 - 08 Vision of the Ram, He-Goat and Little Horn
P. 79


                            ~The Response of History to the Voice of Prophecy~

                            Chapter 8 – Vision of the Ram, He-Goat & Little Horn
                   So far as the question as to what constitutes

               the sanctuary is concerned, we now have the

               subject  before  us  in  one  harmonious  whole.

               The  sanctuary  of  the  Bible  —  mark  it,  all,

               dispute  it,  who  can  —  consists,  first,  of  the

               typical  tabernacle  established  with  the

               Hebrews at the exode from Egypt, which was

               the  sanctuary  of  the  first  covenant;  and,

               secondly, of the true tabernacle in heaven, of

               which the former was a type, or figure, which

               is the sanctuary of the new covenant. These

               are  inseparably  connected  together  as  type

               and antitype. From the antitype we go back to

               the  type,  and  from  the  type  we  are  carried

               forward  naturally  and  inevitably  to  the


               We  have  said  that  Daniel  would  at  once

               understand  by  the  word  sanctuary  the
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