Page 29 - 08 Luther Before the Diet
P. 29
how little had been accomplished by
persecution in suppressing Luther's work in
Germany, they decided to meet the reform
with its own weapons. They would hold a
disputation with Zwingli, and having the
arrangement of matters, they would make
sure of victory by choosing, themselves, not
only the place of the combat, but the judges
that should decide between the disputants.
And if they could once get Zwingli into their
power, they would take care that he did not
escape them. The leader silenced, the
movement could speedily be crushed. This
purpose, however, was carefully concealed.
The disputation was appointed to be held at
Baden; but Zwingli was not present. The
Council of Zurich, suspecting the designs of
the papists, and warned by the burning piles
kindled in the papal cantons for confessors of