Page 30 - 08 Luther Before the Diet
P. 30
the gospel, forbade their pastor to expose
himself to this peril. At Zurich he was ready
to meet all the partisans that Rome might
send; but to go to Baden, where the blood of
martyrs for the truth had just been shed, was
to go to certain death. Oecolampadius and
Haller were chosen to represent the
Reformers, while the famous Dr. Eck,
supported by a host of learned doctors and
prelates, was the champion of Rome.
Though Zwingli was not present at the
conference, his influence was felt. The
secretaries were all chosen by the papists,
and others were forbidden to take notes, on
pain of death. Notwithstanding this, Zwingli
received daily a faithful account of what was
said at Baden. A student in attendance at the
disputation made a record each evening of
the arguments that day presented. These