Page 31 - 08 Luther Before the Diet
P. 31

papers  two  other  students  undertook  to

               deliver,               with            the           daily            letters             of

               Oecolampadius,  to  Zwingli  at  Zurich.  The

               Reformer  answered,  giving  counsel  and

               suggestions.  His  letters  were  written  by

               night, and the students returned with them to

               Baden in the morning. To elude the vigilance

               of the guard stationed at the city gates, these

               messengers  brought  baskets  of  poultry  on

               their heads, and they were permitted to pass

               without hindrance.

               Thus  Zwingli  maintained  the  battle  with  his

               wily antagonists. He “has labored more,” said

               Myconius,  “by  his  meditations,  his  sleepless

               nights, and the  advice which he transmitted

               to  Baden,  than  he  would  have  done  by

               discussing  in  person  in  the  midst  of  his

               enemies.”—D'Aubigne, b. 11, ch. 13.
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