Page 28 - 11 THE SANCTUARY
P. 28


                                             Stephen N. Haskell

                 “But go thy way till the end be: for thou shalt rest and stand in thy
                                   lot at the end of the days.” Daniel 12:13.

               world  from  the  curse,  and  again  clothe  the

               earth in Eden beauty.

               It might seem to man that the curse was so

               deeply  marked  upon  the  earth,  air,  and  sea

               that it could never be removed; but the little

               piece of scarlet wool, dipped in the blood with

               the  live  bird,  the  cedar,  and  hyssop,  was  a

               pledge that the blood of Christ would remove

               the deepest marks from the sin-cursed earth.

               We  have  the  real  sacrifice  to  study  as  well

               as the shadow. Type met antitype. The blood

               of  Christ  has  been  shed;  the  price  has  been

               paid that will restore the purity of earth, air,

               and  sea.  The  sin-cursed  earth  received  the

               blood  of  Christ  as  he  prayed  in  the  garden.

               “From his hands and feet the blood fell drop

               by drop upon the rock drilled for the foot of
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