Page 30 - 11 THE SANCTUARY
P. 30


                                             Stephen N. Haskell

                 “But go thy way till the end be: for thou shalt rest and stand in thy
                                   lot at the end of the days.” Daniel 12:13.

               he cast himself upon a dying Saviour. With full

               faith that Christ would possess the kingdom,

               he  cried,  “Lord,  remember  me,  when  thou

               comest into thy kingdom.” In a soft, melodious

               tone,  full  of  love,  the  answer  was  quickly

               given:  “Verily  I  say  unto  thee  to-day,  Shalt

               thou be with me in paradise.” As these words

               were spoken, the darkness around the cross

               was pierced with living light. The thief felt the

               peace  and  joy  of  sins  forgiven.  Christ  was

               glorified.  While  all  thought  they  beheld  him

               conquered, he was the conqueror. They could

               not rob him of his power to forgive sins.

               Type has fully met antitype; the price has been

               paid; the blood of the world’s Redeemer has

               been poured upon the ground. It has dropped

               through  the  air  from  the  cruel  cross.  It  has
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