Page 47 - Daggabay Magazine Issue 2
P. 47

Stoners Corner

      Size Matters
      When  selecting  the  perfect  jar,  think  about           Brown or tan weed isn’t necessarily bad,
      how  much  cannabis  will  be  in  the  jar.  You           as  well-cured  cannabis  also  loses color,
      don’t  want  to  use  an  over-sized  jar  for  an          but  brown  and  crumbly  heads are  often
      insignificant  amount  of  bud  because  you  are           old or not stored in an airtight container.
      allowing  more  oxygen  in.  Try  to  match  the            If there’s just random brown patches on
      container  with  the  volume  of  cannabis.  As             otherwise  good-looking  weed,  it  could
      your stash diminishes, try using smaller jars.              also be a sign of mold!

      Store Separately
      If  you  have  over  one  strain  to  store,  use           Note:  Some  people  prefer  the  effects  of
      separate  containers.  Each  strain  has  its  own          wet-cured or very long-cured buds, which
      unique  characteristics  and  the  best  way  to            are  very  smooth  and  offer  unique  smells,
      maintain the uniqueness is to store the strains             but can  also  cause  buds  to  take  on  a
      in their own jar.                                           mostly  brown  or  tan  appearance.  In  that
      For  storing  your  cannabis,  the  method  you             case,  buds should  still  “stay  together”
      choose makes an enormous difference in how                  and not  be  crumbly. Although  there  are
      long      your      buds maintain potency          and      exceptions,  usually buds  that  have  turned
      freshness!                                                  brown are losing their overall potency and
      Properly Stored Weed Looks Full and Sparkly,                smell as time goes on.
      with at least a Little Color Left                           How  to  Store  Cannabis  Properly  (so  it
      Improperly Stored Buds Start Turning Brown                  lasts for years!)
      and Crumbly                                                 If  you  grow  a  lot  of  cannabis  at  once,
                                                                  store it so it lasts until your next harvest!

                                                                  Some  growers  only  harvest  once  a  year
                                                                  (especially outdoor growers)
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