Page 49 - Daggabay Magazine Issue 2
P. 49
Stoners Corner
Buds break off at freezing temperatures.
Always let frozen buds come to room
temperature before handling.
Refrigerate Your Buds (Avoid!)
Buds stored in the fridge mold, even in air-
tight containers. Either keep buds outside
the fridge or put them in the freezer! If you Don’t use a plastic baggy for long
must use the fridge, it’s especially term or even at all if possible.
important to make sure buds are dry to
avoid mold, and keep them in the back in a Note: Freezing buds are controversial
crisper where the temperature and because it’s easy to lose trichomes
humidity don’t fluctuate as much. But when moving frozen buds. You need to
again, if possible, avoid using your be careful when handling frozen buds
refrigerator to store buds just in case; a as the trichomes (glitter) become
regular cabinet or drawer is usually better. brittle and can easily break off at
Plastic Baggies (Avoid!) freezing temperatures.
Although this is the most common way for However, if this happens you can still
non-growers to store cannabis, it’s one of collect trichomes from the bottom of
the worst. Buds lose their smell and get the container and use them (just like
dried out and brittle in plastic baggies. The the kief that falls to the bottom of a
potency degrades quickly, and the lack of grinder!); the trichomes do not
protection means that handling the buds “vanish” into thin air.
crumbles them. We should only use plastic You can dramatically reduce this
baggies short term, or avoided altogether. problem by always letting buds come
If you need to store a negligible amount of to room temperature before handling
bud, it’s recommended to get a UV-proof them. The fact of the matter is
glass stash box (will also prevent smells
from leaking out!). As a bonus, a small
glass container can help buds continue