Page 54 - Daggabay Magazine Issue 2
P. 54

Stoners Corner

                                                                       According  to  a  Wikipedia  search  a
                                                                       mindset,  mentality  or  way  of
                                                                       thinking is a set of assumptions,

     Daggabay Column : #1                                              methods, or notations held by one or
                                                                       more  people  or  groups  of  people.
     Written By : Merishce/Stoner Chick
     July 23, 2020                                                     They say a mindset can also be seen
                                                                       as  arising  out  of  a  person’s  world

    At  the  age  of  twenty-two  I’ve                                 view  or  philosophy  of  life.  Looking
    made  a  stunning  realization                                     back  into  history  ,  and  even  today,
    that I am the only one holding                                     we  can  highlight  many  who’s
    myself  back  from  what  my                                       mindsets were so firmly established
    purpose  is  in  life,  not  the                                   that  they  were  able  to  lead  people
    corona  crisis.  Did  you  know  ?                                 and groups to adopt or accept prior
    Researchers  found  that  self-                                    behaviors , choices , or tools. A
    esteem  is  built  from  ages  one                                 mindset  represents  the  cognitive
    to seven. The first seven years                                    processes activated in response to a
    of  our  lives  are  so  crucial                                   given  task.  The  truth  is  that  many
    because  it  shapes  our  way  of                                  don’t have the natural ability to have
    thinking.                                                          a high performance mindset, and
                                                                       thus mental training is needed.
                                                                       When  I  was  asked  to  write  this
                                                                       column  I  thought  of  it  as  an
                                                                       opportunity to show you how I stay
                                                                       mentally positive and fit consistently
                                                                       ,  among  other  things.  It  isn’t  easy
                                                                       being a high performance
                                                                       person  every  day  ,  I  have  setbacks
                                                                       and obstacles just like you do. I used

                                                                       to hopelessly engage in
                                                                       self- sabotage and self-pity because I
                                                                       thought I didn’t deserve things I am
                                                                       given, and the work I produce is not
                                                                       enough.  I  thought  I  was  not  good
                                                                       enough  until  I  started  training  my
                                                                       brain to think differently and in the
                                                                       process  my  actions  created  a
                                                                       wonderful reaction that changed my
                                                                       mindset and my whole life.
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