Page 55 - Daggabay Magazine Issue 2
P. 55
Stoners Corner
I live by a specific set of rules that push These are extremely vital steps to
me to be a better version of myself than ensure you have a 2020 vision and
I was yesterday. crush those goals even while you’re
You see, I don’t compete. I own the race. stuck in lockdown.
Once you realize your potential , there
is nothing that can stop you. 1. Be friends with who you want to
Two things prevent us from happiness; be.
living in the past and caring what If you have a low self-esteem it wouldn’t
others think. This world make sense for you to be around people
has too many perspectives for you to who have a low self-esteem too. The blind
care about them all , choose which ones can’t lead the blind. Start talking and
will add value to networking with people who are amazing
your life and others. It really is that at what they do! Talk to people who have
simple. goals and are working practically to
achieve those goals. Many times we fail
only because of the circle we choose to be
in.Your circle is your wealth. Drop those
friends who just wanna party every
weekend and don’t have any reliable and
long-term investments for themselves.If
your friends aren’t ready to level up their
lives then that’s okay. You need to focus on
leveling up your life or you’re gonna end
up as a statistic for people like Dan Pena
who will compare you to a slacker when
he couches his next billionaire.
Daggabay Column : #1
Written By : Merishce/Stoner Chick
July 23, 2020