Page 45 - Daggabay Magazine Issue 2
P. 45

Stoners Corner

     What should we consider as normal
     behaviour? It is normal for us humans  to
     seek plesure. As children, we spin ourselves
     silly, and as teens  we delight in roller coaster

     rides. As adults, we might take part in hang
     gliding, skydiving, bungee jumping, and race
     car  driving. We get buzzed on wine, beer, and
     on    espresso,  on  ice  creams  and  intense
     sweets,  and  also  on    cannabis.  None  are
     without  risk.    Societies  differ  only  in  what
     they  accept,  and    what  they  outlaw.  Coffee
     was  once  forbidden  in  some  places,  It  is
     equally  normal  for  people  to  enjoy  these
     states  in  social  settings,  places  where  they
     can  meet  friends,  old  and  new.  We  have
     racing    clubs  and  skydiving  clubs.  We  have
     coffee    shops,  lounges,  bars,  and  pubs,  in
     which  folk  meet  routinely,  to  solve  the
     problems of the world. In addition, there are
     restaurants, and cruises, and tours, featuring
     much of the above.

     To  hide  in  a  rented  flat,  hoping  not  to  be
     caught,  or  shiver  on  a    sidewalk  on  a  rainy

     day, is decidedly not normal.It is normal, too,
     to  build  rituals  around  the  substances  we
     consume for pleasure. Children invent rituals
     around savouring favourite  treats. We build
     wine and spirits into our  religious practices
     and  accompany  rights  of    passage  like
     weddings, bar mitzvahs, and  funerals. Coffee
     meetings  are  rituals.Cannabis  culture  has
     produced rituals  of  its   own. There  is 4/20,
     the practice of smoking at 4:20 pm, there are
     cannabis  cup  contests,  annual  competitions
     among  growers  for  best  buds  and  in  recent
     years,  multiple  conventions,  fairs,  and  trade
     shows.    Essential  to  these    practices  is
     sanctuary,  a  sheltered  place  where  one  can
     be  at  peace,  accepted  and  welcomed.In  the

     next  few  months  we  reveal  that  these
     cannabis friendly environments are already
     amongst us, we have a few delicious reviews
     coming up about places right here in SA that
     are  taking  the  step  forward,  in  opening
     places  that cannabis use is not only allowed
     it can be  encouraged.
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