Page 41 - Daggabay Magazine Issue 2
P. 41
Stoners Corner
Creative Projects- When it's time
to sit down and think about how that
new garden will look or how you
should redecorate the living room it's
often nice to do so with a joint in hand.
Let yourself daydream about the
possibilities of the space and take time
with each idea that comes to mind.
Art- When you are high art is more
enjoyable, period. Because of the shift
in thinking and perspective that
happens while you're high, the art you
produce is usually different from what
you would typically create. If you want
to have some fun and get out of your
typical zone, then smoking a bowl
before you get out your paints may
lead to fantastic results.
Exercise- Many forms of exercise can
be better when you are stoned. Some
enjoyable exercises while high are
jogging, yoga, home body weight
workouts, these activities require
patience and mental flexibility. A
pleasant cannabis buzz can help make
time slip by while steadily jogging
along a trail or help you close your
eyes and focus on thoughtfully
executing your next pose.
Mother Nature - There is actually a scientific
element to it. Interacting with nature can reduce
anxiety, and even lower your blood pressure,
making it a brilliant way to enjoy your afternoon
and improve your health. Mother nature is
everywhere, sure we all would like to go out to
the fantastic wonders we all know are out there,
but even going into our backyards or balconies we
will encounter some nature.