Page 40 - Daggabay Magazine Issue 2
P. 40

Stoners Corner

     You're  about  to  get  high  and  want  to
     make the most of it. This article is a guide
     for  what  to  do  when  you're  enjoying
     cannabis  and  are  at  a  loss  for  an
     appropriate activity. What should you do
     while  you're  high?  We  got  to  admit  the
     list  is  a  lot  shorter  than  we  would  have
     liked to give you because of Covid-19 and
     social  distancing,  so  here  is  our  list  of
     things  to  do  during  Covid-19  and  a  few
     ones  booking  beyond  the  pandemic,
     either-way    an  activity  that  otherwise
     might     have     been      boring     without

     How high are you?

     Depending on how much you've used, we
     have some original suggestions for what
     would  be  the  best  activity.  If  you've
     heavily  medicated  yourself  with  some
     edibles  or  a  massive  hit  from  a  dab  rig,
     then  there  is  a  more  limited  list  of
                                                                Deep  Thinking-  Cannabis  can  also  be
                                                                great for deep thinking. People use cannabis
     Napping-  Taking  a  nap  is  a  Godsend                   for everything from mediation to plain deep
     when medicated heavily. You can drift off                  thought sessions.
     on  your  couch  to  a  faraway  land  or  fall            There are lots of things to think about while
     into  a  blissful  abyss  of  snoozing.  The               high. Relationships, the meaning of life, the
     right cannabis can help you drift off and                  universe. The mystery of consciousness. The
     catch  up  on  some  much-needed  rest.  If                impossibility or certainty of eternity.
     smoking  and  sleep  are  not  a  right                    You can make it as academic or as informal
     combination  for  you,  then  you  may  be                 as you want.
     more responsive to higher CBD strains.

                                                                Meditation- while high is also great. The
     Music- Get in a comfy chair, put on some                   pot  can  help  you  clear  your  mind  and  live
     quality  headphones  and  pick  out  an                    firmly at the moment and get into a deeper
     album  that  means  something  to  you.                    state of relaxation.
     Most  people  agree  there  is  something                  That said, if you are an anxious stoner, you
     better  when listening to music when you                   might not have the deep experience you are
     are  stoned.  The  part  of  our  brain  that              looking for.
     draws  relations  between  ideas  becomes
     stimulated  when  we're  high,  and  they
     pack music with metaphors and patterns.
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