Page 35 - Daggabay Magazine Issue 2
P. 35
How do you know if all the alcohol When you see there is no more air
has evaporated? coming out of your mixture, you'll
Vacuum purging of alcohol in see there are no more bubbles
cannabis extractions boiling in your mixture, you're
If we have the equipment needed to FECO is now ready to be extracted
vacuum purging our extract with your syringe, extract it while
(heating plate, vacuum desiccator it is still hot and not yet solid.
chamber and vacuum pump) we can If you are planning on making more
use it to removee the alcohol from than this recipe then you need to
our extract. The process is very make it outside.
similar to vacuum purging BHO. It should also be said that isopropyl
alcohol contains more toxic
After the first water-bath, collect the substances than pure ethanol
extraction and place it on a non- (which actually shouldn’t contain
stick surface. Adjust the heating any). Thus, we recommend to use
plate at 40°C and place the extract isopropyl exclusively to clean your
in the vacuum chamber. Connect it utensils and glass pipes and not for
to the pump, put the chamber on performing extractions.
the hot plate and turn the pump on
to start the process.
Vid 4