Page 31 - Daggabay Magazine Issue 2
P. 31


          The  best  thing  about  making  your                How  to  make  your  Cannabis-infused
          own  lotion  is  that  you  get  to  control         lotion
          what goes into your lotion.
          When  you  apply  cannabis  lotion  to  your         Preheat  your  oven  to  120’C  and  spread  your
          skin  the  molecules  linger  in  fat  cells.        dried ground cannabis on a baking sheet. When
          Therefore, THC molecules – the ones that             the oven is hot, decarboxylate your cannabis in
          get you high – are not absorbed into the
          bloodstream and remain at the site where             the oven for 25-30 minutes.
          they were applied.                                   While  your  cannabis  is  in  the  oven,  put  your
                                                               coconut  oil  in  the  saucepan  or  double  boiler

          Ingredients:                                         over low heat and stir continuously.
          7-10 grams of ground, dried cannabis                 Remove your decarboxylated cannabis from the
          1 ½ cups of coconut oil                              oven and mix it into the coconut oil.
          1/3 cup beeswax                                      Maintain  a  low  heat  (2)  and  continue  stirring
          1 baking sheet                                       the cannabis and Coconut oil mixture for 20 to
          1 saucepan (or double boiler)                        25 minutes.
          1 jar                                                Keep the heat very low, I recommend you keep
          1 cotton cloth                                       your  stove  on  1  especially  when  using  a
          A few drops of essential oil (your choice)           saucepan.
          1 cup aloe vera gel
          vitamin E oil                                        After  25  minutes,  remove  from  heat  and  pour
          2 tablespoons shea butter or cocoa butter
                                                               the mixture through a cotton cloth into the jar.
                                                               Set that aside.
                                                               In the same saucepan or double boiler, add the
                                                               beeswax and heat until melted.
                                                               As  the  beeswax  melts,  slowly  add  the  infused
                                                               coconut oil.
                                                               You can also add essential oils to your mixture–
                                                               Just a few drops will do.
                                                               To increase the fluidity of your cream, increase
                                                               the amount of oil–we recommend vitamin E oil
                                                               or almond oil into your mixture.
                                                               Keep in mind that your lotion will still be fairly
                                                               thick, so we don’t recommend trying to put it in
                                                               a lotion pump.

                                                               Storing it in a cool, dark place will help preserve
                                                               its longevity.
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