Page 28 - Daggabay Magazine Issue 2
P. 28
Some people that are regular cannabis users Does cannabis help for headaches?
say that if they smoke cannabis while having I found out that most people with chronic
a headache, the headache goes away and headaches and migraines uses CBD oil.
remains forgotten. Then you get people like When smoking cannabis it is important to
me, when I smoke cannabis while having a drink a lot of water because sometimes
headache, my headache will be better while dehydration could be the cause of your
I'm high but as soon as my high wears off, my headache.
head is 10 times worse and I could no longer I have been struggling with migraines
ignore my headache. since I was a child, I would only get 2
So one morning while having a headache. I migraines a month but when I got it, it was
started to wonder if people used cannabis for unbearable.
headaches. Recently I have been getting headaches
Then I came across this study from everyday, I would drink a grandpa for the
Washington State University. pain and the pain will never fully go away.
Inhaled cannabis reduces self-reported So these past 3 days I really wanted to
headache severity by 47.3% and migraine know if cannabis has helped anyone who
severity by 49.6%, according to a recent is suffering from headaches.
study. The study also found no evidence that I then came across a video of a woman
cannabis caused 'overuse headache,' a pitfall named Kelsey she has a chronic pain
of more conventional treatments. condition called Trigeminal neuralgia
So I went on the internet to seek some (TN), a condition affecting the trigeminal
answers. nerve in the face.
She had tried a lot of different ways to stop
her horrible headaches, including 4 face
surgeries in 2 years times.
The only thing that she hasn’t tried was
cannabis, after consulting her doctor she
went to her local cannabis dispensary. She
decided to only use cannabis products, this
all took place in a 5 week period.