Page 33 - Daggabay Magazine Issue 2
P. 33


                                                                    Due to its potency, cannabis oil is often
      What is FECO?
                                                                    used  as  a  primary  cannabis  medical
      FECO  or  Full  Extract  Cannabis  Oil  is  a                 product.  It  is  prescribed  to  patients

      highly  concentrated  whole-plant  extract                    with epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, cancer,
      that  provides  one  of  the  widest                          and  Parkinson’s  disease.  Depending  on
      spectrums of cannabinoids and terpenes                        the severity of their illness, they can use

      available.  It  is  a  highly-concentrated,                   up  to  one  gram  of  cannabis  oil  per
      thick cannabis oil extraction that can be                     day.FECO is one of the best products for

      used  in  multiple  ways  from  being                         those seeking help from cannabis.
      ingested, topically to vaporizing.
                                                                    The  terpenes  –  compounds  that  give

      Full  extract  cannabis  oil  or  FECO  are                   cannabis  its  distinctive  scent  and
      growing  in  popularity,  mainly  due  to                     flavour  profiles  –  are  also  captured  in
      their medicinal properties, but they have                     the extraction process. Synergistic effect

      other  uses  as  well.  Despite  their                        in  combination  with  THC  or  CBD
      popularity,  many  people  still  aren’t  sure                concentrations in FECO.
      what exactly they are.                                        Possible side effects of cannabis oil?

                                                                    - Disorientation
                                                                    - Heavyheadedness
                                                                    - Thirst & Hungry
                                                                    - Dry eye’s
                                                                    - Sometimes Paranoia

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