Page 34 - Daggabay Magazine Issue 2
P. 34
Before Making your own FECO oil you Instructions:
need to put your safety first, you'll need to Place your buds and the alcohol in the fridge
be outside when making a larger dose of and leave it overnight.
the recipe provided here. The alcohol you Grind your buds and put it in a bowl, now
use to make FECO oil is really strong and add the 99% pure alcohol in the bowl until
will burn your skin, that's why it is also all the cannabis is covered and mix it
important to wear gloves that can handle together properly and let it sit for about 3
so much alcohol and be sure the gloves minutes.
you wear fits you perfectly. The alcohol is After the time has passed, mix together once
also highly flammable so don't smoke more and strain it into another bowl using
anywhere close to where you're making your coffee filter or cheesecloth.
your FECO. This recipe will make about When you are finished use the cannabis that
6ml you filtered and add more alcohol covering
the buds and strain that in the same bowl.
What you wil need: Before you start with the cooking it is
10g of any good quality strain depending important to have a fan on by the stove when
on what you need you're making FECO.
99.9% pure alcohol Using the double bottle method we are ready
Stovetop safe dish to cook.
two mixing bowls spatula coffee filters or On the bottom is a frying pan filled with
cheesecloth water.
oral syringe (for collecting the oil) Get your pan and put some water in it and
let it start steaming then you put your bowl
in the water and let all the alcohol evaporate.
When most of the alcohol is evaporated,
pour the mixture in a smaller container, this
will help with the collecting of your FECO.