Page 29 - Daggabay Magazine Issue 2
P. 29
The first product she got was CBD freeze, it The fifth product she tried was
looks like roll on, she applied that to her face different types of CBD/THC Ratios,
and said it was amazing, relaxing all her face applied under tongue or sprayed
muscles and making her feel calm. orally, none of them worked for her so
The second product she got was a hybrid high she moved on to product six.
in CBD strain used to treat pain and stress that She tried an edible high in THC and it
she was smoking through a pipe, she said it did help with the headaches but she
did help her and recommends it to people was so high she couldn’t get any work
with chronic headache.One night her pain got done so it was not practical for her.
unbearable, she descibes it as fire-ants biting The last product Kelsey tried was
all over her face. Charlotte’s web oil, containing 0,03%
Kelsey then tried her third product called THC, higher CBD ratio, this product is
Black Medicated Rub, which contains 120mg named after a young epileptic patient
CBD and 20mg THC, after applying it to her call Charlotte, who recently passed
face she said it smells really nice, but it did not away, RIP Charlotte you made history,
work so she moved on to the fourth product, we send all our blessings to the family.
the USB Charger portable CBD Vape. After Kelsey tried Charlotte’s web oil
While smoking it she likes the tastes and loves she slept pain free for the first time in
how it works instantly but the pain relieving years, she started using Charlotte’s
affects only lasted for 2 hours. web oil everyday and she wants the
world to know how cannabis changed
her life.