Page 26 - Daggabay Magazine Issue 2
P. 26
An Ode to Cannabis on 4/20/2020 I without a doubt, would not be here if
Aka 420, internationally not for the Western chemical drugs.
Celebrated day of Cannabis!!
Cannabis saved my life as something I
"but it's a drrruggggg!!!!!" suffer is lack of appetite.
No reason?
INDEED it is. I love food!
So are the highly chemical substances I used to be an embarrassment at a
being pumped in to my veins every 6 Buffet (there are rules.... They are
weeks at R25k a pop! (approx $1400 proven.... You CAN have 8 courses....)
US dollars).
I also simultaneously get anti-allergy
meds incase my body has a reaction to
it 'this time', as well as cortisone. Not
entirely sure it's purpose but daing
was I pleased to have it today.
HI. I am Mel.
I am 37 (i think?!) and broken in the
Prime of My Life.
I am on Permanent Disability as I
cannot work and be sick at once. It's
one or the other.
The sick doesn't really respond well to
commands though!
I have Crohns Disease.
I have an Ileostomy Bag.
Why are you telling us this Mel?
Well, because... Today I am celebrating
with the rest of my Cannafam how
Cannabis saved my life!
"really? Did pot cure your crohns? And
you like in remission because of it?"
Sadly, no.
That's why I get the expensive juice in
my veins.
Science has thrown money at narcotic
level drugs, opioids etc for decades.
They have found a way to throw
random chemicals together to at the
very least, keep me in remission.