Page 22 - Daggabay Magazine Issue 2
P. 22


      Caryophyllene terpene
     The terpene caryophyllene is present in many                 Cannabis  varieties  that  contain  high
     herbs and spices, including black pepper, basil,             concentrations  of  beta  caryophyllene
     and  oregano,  Caryophyllene,  more  formally                include      Bubba       Kush,      OG     Kush,
     known  as  beta  caryophyllene,  is  a  common               Chemdawg,  Sour  Diesel,  Rockstar,  and
     terpene found in cannabis that is known for its              Skywalker  OG.  Most  cannabis  strains
     herbal spiciness, tinted by hints of wood                    will     contain      caryophyllene.        They
                                                                  perceive  Caryophyllene  strains  to  have
     What  makes  caryophyllene  an  intriguing                   a  pain-relieving  effect  because  of
     terpene      is    its   relationship       with     our     inflammation  reduction.  Because  of

     endocannabinoid  system,  particularly  its                  caryophyllene’s binding affinity for CB2
     ability  to  bind  to  CB2  receptors.  Because  of          receptors in the brain, the terpene may
     this, it comes with a host of potential medical              also  have  substantial  effects  on  brain
     benefits.                                                    health and mental well-being,

     They  have  also  shown  Caryophyllene  to  have             Myrcene terpene
     antioxidant  and  anti-inflammatory  properties,             Myrcene,  found  in  mangoes,  lemongrass,
     and to be a therapy for treating inflammatory                eucalyptus,  and  ylang-ylang,  is  the
     bowel  disease.  Research  has  even  found  that            primary terpene found in cannabis plants.
     caryophyllene        may      treat     anxiety     and      Myrcene has relaxing properties and anti-
     depression.                                                  inflammatory  properties.  Strains  high  in
     Current studies are hoping to unveil even more               myrcene  are  White  Widow,  and  some
     of     the     therapeutic       potential       behind      Kush. A  study  found  that  myrcene  may
     caryophyllene, including research showing that               make  up  to  50  percent  of  the  terpene
     it may help with lifespan longevity by reducing              volume of an individual cannabis plant. Of
     gene stress.                                                 equal significance is the fact that myrcene
                                                                  acts  as  a  precursor  to  the  production  of

     Caryophyllene has preservative properties and                other  terpenes,  similar  to  how  CBG-A  is
     is  found  in  the  hops  that  flavor  and  stabilize       the    universal      precursor       to    other
     beer. Although beer is the most widely known                 cannabinoids, including THC and CBD.
     beverage to contain hops, it is not the only one.
     Hops,  and  therefore  caryophyllene,  may  be               The  medicinal  efficacy  of  terpenes  and
     found in certain types of vodka and “hopped”                 benefits  triggered  in  the  mammalian
     whiskeys.  They  have  also  used  Caryophyllene             endocannabinoid system (ECS) is like that
     as a flavoring agent in chewing gum to enhance               of cannabinoids. Myrcene’s major effect is
     a  citrus  or  spicy  profile.  Besides  its  wide           sedative, resulting in relaxed muscles and
     usages  in  food  and  beverages,  they  may  find           a  reduction  of  pain.  This  is  of  obvious
     caryophyllene  in  detergents  and  many  topical            value  in  several  conditions  involving
     skin products.                                               spasticity,       seizure       activity,       or
                                                                  hyperactivity        (including       Attention-
                                                                  Deficit/Hyperactivity  Disorder  [ADHD]),
                                                                  and  encompasses  common  and  often
                                                                  debilitating diseases like fibromyalgia and
                                                                  Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).
                                                                  Many        doctors       and       researchers
                                                                  recommend  myrcene  for  patients  who
                                                                  suffer  insomnia,  restlessness,  and  a
                                                                  multitude of forms of anxiety.
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