Page 17 - Daggabay Magazine Issue 2
P. 17
Within the past couple of decades,
however, researchers have learned
You already know what that terpenes offer medical benefits to
terpenes are because you’ve all mammals that rival those of their
experienced them all your life. chemical cousins, the cannabinoids.
Terpenes gives an orange its But wait. You thought cannabinoids
citrus smell. They give pine were the compounds in the cannabis
trees their unique aroma. plant that caused healing, right? Yes,
They’re even responsible for the terpenes can play a big role in that. In
relaxing effects in lavender. fact, cannabinoids and terpenes work
They are chemicals that together in the entourage effect.
determine how things smell.
Terpenes in cannabis are made
in secretory cells inside
glandular trichomes, and it
increases production with light
The entourage effect means that
cannabinoids such as THC and CBD,
along with the hundreds of other
compounds, along with the terpenes,
work together. It’s the whole plant
We mostly find these terpenes in that does the best job, not just a single
high concentrations in compound. While relief comes from
unfertilized female cannabis using a CBD oil or a THC oil, whole
flowers. plant therapy has been the most
Once thought to deliver nothing common use. Using all the compounds
more than an enticing aroma to and terpenes in the plant may just be
thousands of plants, from the best way.
cannabis to lavender to lilacs.
From an evolutionary
perspective, terpenes help to
protect plants from pests and
predators with their intense
fragrance, acting as a reserve
siren song.