Page 20 - Daggabay Magazine Issue 2
P. 20


   Linalool terpene                                               Anti-Inflammatory
   Linalool is found in over 200 plant species aside              Linalool exhibits all the characteristics and
   from  cannabis  and  has  a  litany  of  uses.  As  a          properties  associated  with  an  anti-
   naturally occurring terpene, linalool has a lovely             inflammatory  agent.  Inflammation  like
   floral  scent  and  is  one  of  the  principal                pain,  swelling,  a  sensation  of  heat  and
   ingredients in essential oils such as lavender. We             redness.  It  is  one  of  our  body’s  crucial
   typically use it in up to 80% of aromatic hygiene              defense systems, and it is often a beneficial
   products. You also find it in cleaning agents like             response.  However,  sometimes,  it  could
   soaps, shampoos, essential oils, and detergents.               cause  chronic  inflammatory  conditions  if
   Here is a shortlist of some of linalool’s potential            left untreated.

   uses.                                                          There  are  a  few  studies  that  suggest
                                                                  linalool’s  anti-inflammatory  effects,  a
   Painkiller                                                     study published in The Journal of Surgical
   As  a  monoterpene  compound,  linalool  is  in  a             Research  in  March  2013.  It  looked  at  the
   sizable  portion  of  essential  oils  from  plant             anti-inflammatory  effects  of  linalool.  The
   species  that  give  off  a  sweet  scent. Medicinally,        research  analyzed  rats  and  found  that
   most  of  these  plants  are  useful  for  their               linalool inhibits inflammation in vitro and
   painkilling properties.                                        in  vivo.  The  paper  also  suggested  that  it
   It is also possible that the terpene’s pain-killing            was  a  possible  therapeutic  candidate  for
   capacity is because it elevates adenosine levels,              inflammatory disease treatment.
   which is a brain chemical that blocks caffeine.
   A 2007 study by Kim et al. found that in obese                 Sedative
   patients who underwent gastric banding surgery                 Given lavender’s reputation for promoting
   (and  were  exposed  to  linalool-containing                   restful sleep, it is hardly a surprise that we
   lavender  oil),  only  46%  required  opioids  after           also  know  linalool  for  its  sedative  and
   the  procedure.  This  compared  favorably  to  the            calming effects.

   control  group,  as  82%  of  them  required  pain             Evidence  of  its  sedative  nature  came
   medication.                                                    almost  by  accident  when  a  2009  study
                                                                  tried to find proof that linalool possessed
   Alzheimer’s Disease                                            anxiolytic       (anti-anxiety)       properties.
   A       further         study,       published          in     Instead,  the  research  found  that  it  had
   Neuropharmacology  in  March  2016,  suggests                  strong  sedative  qualities.  There  is  also
   that  linalool  is  a  viable  treatment  for                  evidence to suggest that linalool enhances
   Alzheimer’s.  It  is  a  disease  known  for  causing          the effect of sedatives,
   the  build-up  of  cellular  “tangles”  and  brain             A  more  recent  study  by  Takeda  et  al.,
   plaque  that  results  in  the  degeneration  of  the          published            in         Evidence-Based
   neurons and cerebral tissue.                                   Complementary  Alternative  Medicine  in
   The  study  in  question  looked  at  mice.  It  found         March  2017,  looked  at  how  inhalation
   that the terpene reversed several cognitive and                aromatherapy  helped  elderly  volunteers
   behavioral       impairments        associated       with      with insomnia. The researchers discovered
   Alzheimer’s.  It  also  reduced  the  number  of               that the act of sniffing lavender oil before
   cellular  tangles  and  brain  plaques  that  are              bed  increased  sleep  quality.  It  also
   commonly part of the condition.                                increased  energy  levels  in  the  morning

                                                                  after. Lavender contains a lot of linalool.
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