Page 24 - Daggabay Magazine Issue 2
P. 24


    Myrcene  is  also  a  proven  anti-depressant               For  example,  pinene  increases  alertness,  yet
    and  anti-inflammatory  medication.  Like                   they know the terpene myrcene to have more
    another      terpene,     limonene,       myrcene           of a sedating effect. They have also discovered
    influences     the     permeability       of    cell        pinene  to  ease  the  potential  short-term
    membranes, meaning it acts as a regulator                   memory  loss.Several  studies  in  recent  years
    of  other  terpenes  and  cannabinoids,                     have revealed that pinene, particularly alpha-
    enhancing  or  buffering  their  effects  and               pinene, has several significant health benefits.
    potency  (similar  to  how  CBD  modulates                  Pain relief: As an extracted oil and as part of a
    THC).  This  unique  capability  of  myrcene                whole plant cannabis strain, pinene can affect
    allows  it  to  increase  the  volume  of  THC              the  body’s  pain  receptors  to  reduce
    molecules  that  reach  CB1  receptors  in  the             discomfort  from  conditions  such  as  arthritis
    brain     and     central     nervous      system,          and  fibromyalgia.  Antioxidant  properties:
    magnifying  the  potency  of  this  cannabis                Pinene  can  help  to  protect  cells  from
    molecule’s       psychoactive       effect—while            excessive  oxidation,  which  can  break  them
    simultaneously  amplifying  its  medicinal                  down  and  make  the  body  susceptible  to  a
    efficacy.  In  this  respect,  myrcene  is  an              variety       of      diseases.Anti-inflammatory

    excellent  demonstration  of  the  entourage                features:  Pinene  can  reduce  inflammation,
    effect.  Besides  its  sedative  effect,  myrcene           which  can  depress  the  immune  system  and
    delivers  anti-carcinogenic,  antimicrobial,                stress cells and tissues.
    antioxidant,  and  antiseptic  benefits.  It  can
    also  suppress  muscle  spasms,  meaning  it                Anti-viral  characteristics:  Some  laboratory
    shows  promise  in  the  treatment  of                      research  reveals  that  beta-pinene  with
    neurological  conditions  such  as  dystonia,               limonene can be 100% effective in killing the
    epilepsy, and Parkinson’s.                                  common  herpes  simplex  virus.Protection  for

   Pinene terpene                                               the gastrointestinal system: they have shown
   This terpene’s name says it all, really. Pinene              Pinene  to  protect  the  lining  of  the  stomach
   is  one  of  an  enormous  group  of  terpenes,              and other parts of the gastrointestinal system
   fragrant  oils  produced  by  the  glands  of                against  inflammation  and  lesions  from
   many  kinds  of  plants.  Because  of  their                 conditions  such  as  ulcers  and  Crohn’s
   strong  smells,  terpenes  ward  off  predators              disease.Neutralizing  THC:  Pinene  can  inhibit
   —but  these  pungent  oils  also  benefit  the               the  negative  effects  that  come  from
   human  body  and  brain.Pinene  found  most                  consuming too much THC, such as short-term
   abundantly  in  the  pine  tree  and  is  what               memory  loss  and  feelings  of  fear  and
   gives  pine  needles  its  distinctive  smell.               paranoia.  That’s  because  it  can  cross  the
   Found  in  two  varieties,  alpha,  which  is                blood-brain  barrier  and  directly  affect  the

   responsible for that wonderful pine aroma,                   behavior  of  neurotransmitters  in  the  brain,
   and  beta,  which  has  a  scent  like  rosemary,            including  GABA,  a  chemical  that  modulates
   dill,  or  parsley.  Pinene  is  a  strong                   mood,  and  the  brain’s  receptors  for
   bronchodilator,  but  also  has  strong  anti-               benzodiazepine medications.Bronchodilation:
                                                                Pinene  can  ease  congestion  and  constriction
   inflammatory and antiseptic effects used for
   centuries  in  herbal  medicines.Pinene  in                  in  the  lungs  and  bronchial  areas,  making
   cannabis goes well beyond mere smell. The                    breathing easier for people with asthma and
   molecule can  dictate  the  way  the high  of  a             other  pulmonary  conditions.The  abundance
   strain  feels  and  how  strong  it  is.  For  this          of  any  terpene  highly  depends  on  a
   reason,  pinene  and  other  terpenes  are  as               varietenvironmental  factors,  but  there  are
   important as cannabinoid quantity for many                   strains that produce elevated levels of pinene
   smokers when selecting a strain to enjoy or                  on average strains like Strawberry Cough and
   use as medication.                                           Blue Dream.
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