Page 21 - Daggabay Magazine Issue 2
P. 21
Antidepressant & Anti-Anxiety Linalool Side Effects
Another study, published in Frontiers in Various studies, along with anecdotal
Behavioral Science in 2018, looked at the impact evidence, now seem to suggest that linalool
of linalool on mice. The test exposed the rodents is a likely skin irritant capable of causing
to vapors from the terpene, and they showed a contact dermatitis in sensitive individuals.
decreased level of anxiety and depression-like Once it oxidizes, it can also become an
behavior. Mice exposed to linalool also spent allergen or sensitizer. Interestingly enough,
more time in ‘fear-inducing’ environments and some experts believe you can prevent
worked harder and longer to escape from a oxidation by merely sealing the lid on a
doomed situation.Meanwhile, a study published container of any product containing
in the Journal of Agricultural and Food linalool, causes allergies when oxidized. As
Chemistry in 2009, found that linalool improves for why people become sensitive to the
the immune system’s resilience to stress. We terpene, medical researchers cannot agree.
know stress to change white blood cell It involves the immune system, however.
distribution, which causes an increase in For instance, allergic contact dermatitis
neutrophils and a decrease in lymphocytes. occurs when your skin reacts after
The study found that linalool prevented this exposure to a foreign substance. Once you
shift in rats, thus ensuring the rodents were not develop an allergy to linalool, it only takes a
exposed to typical stress-induced physiological slight amount to trigger a reaction.If you
changes. Authors of the study believe the have a known linalool allergy, be sure to
terpene activates our parasympathetic response, avoid essential oils, including Howwood,
which occurs when we digest food or when we Rosewood, Coriander, Linaloe, Lavender,
are resting. Bergamot, and Petitgrain.
Is Linalool Safe? Other potential side effects of linalool
While there is a risk of skin irritation and exposure can include facial psoriasis and
allergic reactions, this terpene is not a skin eczema. One study tested 3,000 patients
allergen in its pure form. However, once linalool who had eczema by rubbing a patch
oxidizes, it can cause adverse reactions or containing oxidized linalool on their skin,
sensitivity in high concentrations. In simple and results showed that up to 7% of them
terms, oxidized linalool can cause problems, but displayed an allergy to the terpenoid. Some
if you use a pure linalool extract, that gets cannabis strains with a known high linalool
reduced. That said, some studies call into content are Amnesia Haze and Special Kush.
question the safety of lavender oil use. One Linalool offers an array of benefits. It
study, in particular by Prasher, Locke, and Evans, possesses antimicrobial and anti-
published in 2004, found that lavender oil is inflammatory properties, improves sleep,
cytotoxic (causes cell death) at a concentration reduces anxiety and stress. It also helps
of 0.25%. This concerns because the standard with skin conditions in individuals who are
recommended concentration for essential oils is not allergic to it. You will find it in dozens of
between 0.5% and 1%.Linalool and linalyl essential oils, including lavender, which
acetate (another major component of lavender means it is easy to find. However, oxidized
oil) were assessed for their cytotoxicity. linalool can cause allergic reactions in a
Researchers discovered that linalool’s activity certain percentage of the population. Side
reflected that of the whole oil. This is a clear sign effects include skin conditions such as
that the terpene is possibly the oil’s active eczema and contact dermatitis. If you use
ingredient. essential oils and are suffering from an
allergic skin reaction, perform an allergy
test to see if linalool is the cause.