Page 16 - Daggabay Magazine Issue 2
P. 16


                  Humulene terpene
     While many other strains help to increase
     appetite,  which  is  beneficial  to  those  who                  Some  primary  efficacy  benefits  of
     have  conditions  in  which  nausea  and  loss                    terpenes  are  their  ability  to  fight

     of appetite are a factor, strains that contain                    pain,  the  way  they  reduce  systemic
     humulene  may  help  to  decrease  appetite.                      inflammation,  and  their  seemingly
     Found in hops, cloves, and basil, humulene                        magical capability to reduce anxiety.
     has  also  shown  anti-inflammatory  and                          Or  out  of  all  the  terpene’s  out  there
     antibacterial properties in research. Strains                     we  going  to  write  about  just  6  of
     which  contain  humulene  include  Liberty                        them  just  so  we  can  get  an  idea  of
     Haze, Girl Scout Cookies, and Sour Diesel.                        how  important  role  they  play  in  our
                                                                       everyday lives and our favorite herb

                                                                        As said, cannabis contains some 100
                                                                       known terpenes, all of which produce
                                                                       their own effects. Combined with the
     Terpenes         can     intensify      or                        cannabinoids and other terpenes, the

     downplay  the  effects  of  the                                   future of cannabis may just be in the
     cannabinoids.  Have  you  ever                                    cultivation  of  strains  rich  in  certain
     noticed  how  two  similar  strains                               terpenes  and  cannabinoids  to  create
     can  produce  profoundly  different                               strains  tailored  to  produce  certain
     effects? One may leave you with a                                 effects.
     couch  lock  and  the  other  may
     energize  you?  That’s  another
     aspect  of  the  entourage  effect,
     which       is    driven      by     both
     cannabinoids and terpenes.
     A lot of varieties of terpenes exist
     throughout nature. The interesting
     part  of  the  evolution  of  these

     chemicals  is  that  it  shares  them
     among different plant species. For
     example,  the  terpene  linalool
     which  conveys  an  aroma  of
     lavender  and  is  present  in
     hundreds  of  strains  of  cannabis
     and  also  produced  by  over  200
     other plants, including lilacs and a
     variety of herbs and mints.
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