Page 18 - Daggabay Magazine Issue 2
P. 18
Limonene terpene
As opposed to THC, limonene Aromatherapy, mainly through the use
entered no list of controlled of diffusers, has long lauded the
substances. Therefore, researchers mood-boosting effects of limonene,
have been more free to focus on its positioning it as both an anxiolytic
potential efficacy as an (anti-anxiety) and antidepressant.
antidepressant, anxiolytic, They use this terpene in food,
immunostimulant, antibacterial, beverages, perfumes, soaps, cleaners,
and anticancer agent. and can even strip paint. While high
The second most abundant terpene concentrations can lead to skin
found in cannabis, we can also find irritation, proper dilution makes
limonene in various citrus fruits and limonene safe.
are responsible for the citrus smell.
While they often assume limonene
to be abundant in strains that smell Chemists can convert limonene and
like lemon, this isn’t always the case. carvone. Remarkably, modern
Limonene has powerful antifungal chemistry allows for the
and antibacterial properties, and its transformation of this citrus flavor to
great smell means that it is a mint. They contain Carvone in
common additive in household spearmint and are also found in trace
cleaning and cosmetic amounts in cannabis.
products.Whereas THC typically Limonene effects in cannabis
makes up 10-30% of a flower’s dry The aromatherapeutic effects noted
weight, limonene occurs in trace above also help describe what this
amounts less than 2%. terpene brings to the cannabis
experience. Overall, limonene helps
promote an uplifted and elevating
mood, free of anxiety, as evidenced by
the strains that strongly express it.