Page 19 - Daggabay Magazine Issue 2
P. 19


                                                               Patients  who  have  experienced  a  stroke  or
     There’s  also  promising  evidence  for
     limonene’s  anti-tumor  effects.  Since  it             hypertension may also enjoy limonene since it
     has  shown  the  citrus  terpene  to                    can decrease systolic blood pressure.
     accumulate in fatty tissue, it makes sense               Additional  reports  have  revealed  benefits  of
     that it has been useful for the prevention              limonene  in laboratory  models  of  lung  cancer
     and treatment of breast cancer and other                and  brain  When  inhaled,  like  with  cannabis,
     tumors found in fatty regions.                          this terpene may help with asthma.
     The  anti-inflammatory  effects  of  this               Studies  on  the  entourage  effect  in  cannabis
     organic compound especially in its ability              have  found  that  limonene  activates  synergies
     to  help  curb  colitis  a  phenomenon  that            with several cannabinoids and other terpenes.
     seems  to  occur  due  to  its  ability  to             This terpene has very low toxicity, and humans
     suppress       the    production       of    pro-       rarely  encounter  adverse  effects  from  it.

     inflammatory cytokines.                                 However, just like many terpenes and solvents,
     D-limonene         also     has     antioxidant         limonene may exert an irritating action on the
     properties, stemming from its impact on                 skin  and  the  respiratory  system,  which
     complex  signaling  pathways.  These                    symptoms  are  watery  eyes,  vasodilation  and
     antioxidant  properties  help  with  the                consequent effects on the nose, eyes, bronchial
     immune  system  by  assisting  with  the                tubes,  and  lungs.  Limonene  can  treat
     removal  of  free  radicals  throughout  the            bronchitis,  and  many  people  believe  that  this
     body.                                                   terpene  can  add  a  nice  subtle  flavour  and
     This  anti-oxidant terpene  may even also               freshness  to  smoke  and  vapour,  and  a  more
     reduce  hunger  and  appetite  through  its             stressed therapeutic effect.
     smell  alone.  It  may  also  help  diabetics           Any  cannabis  strain  containing  “lemon”  or
     with high blood sugar levels.                           other sour fruits in its name is likely to contain
                                                             sizeable  amounts  of  limonene,  assuming  its
                                                             breeders were sober enough when they named

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