Page 23 - Daggabay Magazine Issue 2
P. 23
Sativa or Indica?
According to pioneering testing laboratory POPULAR STRAINS
Steep Hill Labs in Berkeley, California, As mentioned earlier, myrcene levels
cannabis that contains over 0.5 percent differ from strain to strain. They even
myrcene would be as indica, conveying a vary from grower to grower. Though,
sedative, tranquilizing effect that promotes you’ll find myrcene in indica-dominant
appetite and sleep. Cannabis samples strains such as
featuring less than 0.5 percent will cause a Pure Kush: A super-potent strain best
sativa strain, characterized by uplifting, for pain and insomnia.
energizing, and cerebral effects. Grape Ape: For stress and depression,
this is another strain with higher levels
“Less well known is the fact that high β- of myrcene than most.
Myrcene levels in cannabis (usually above 0.5 Mango Kush: A hybrid that makes you
percent) result in the well known ‘couch feel calm and euphoric.
lock’ effect of classic indica strains of White Widow: An earthy hybrid for an
cannabis; sativa strains normally contain less energizing but calming boost.
than 0.5 percent β-Myrcene,” wrote Steep Hill OG Kush: The pinene- and limonene-
Labs on its website. rich hybrid
Mango Urban Legend Myrcene can be isolated, extracted, and
Of the dozens of urban legends surrounding concentrated as a non-psychoactive
the cannabis herb and the consumption alternative. They can use terpene
thereof, a few are true. It produces Myrcene extracts in a variety of ways, boosting
in outrageous amounts not only in cannabis the flavor and effects of edibles,
but also in basil, bay laurel leaves, hops, tropicals, and concentrates.
lemongrass, mangos, parsley, sweet basil, Again, all components of cannabis work
wild thyme, ylang-ylang, and several other best as a whole. Terpenes can enhance
plants. Because mangos produce a significant or even hinder each other’s effects and
quantity of myrcene, people who consume the effects of cannabinoids. It’s
the fruit amplify the potency of any THC they important to consider how each works
inhale or ingest. together when figuring out which
“For most people, the consumption of a fresh strain can treat your condition
mango, 45 minutes before inhaling cannabis,
will cause a faster onset of psychoactive and
greater intensity,”
A 2002 research study published in the
Journal of phytotherapy and
Phytopharmacology supported the sedative
effect of myrcene and its effectiveness for
those suffering anxiety, insomnia, and other
sleep disorders. “They observed similar
effects for myrcene and limonene at the
highest dose (200 mg/kg body wt.), which
increased the sleeping time around 2.6
times,” reported the research.