Page 32 - Daggabay Magazine Issue 2
P. 32


       Here is another way to make cannabis                          In  a  small  pan  add  the  full  extract
       cream, using full cannabis extract, that                      cannabis  oil  and  olive  or  sunflower

       we will also show you how to make.                            along  with  the  sunflower  lecithin.
                                                                     Gently  heat  and  melt  this  together
       Ingredients:                                                  until fully combined.
       1 - 3 grams of full extract cannabis oil                      Add the mango seed butter and melt
       (your preference, this can be CBD or                          this into the rest of the oil until fully
       THC)                                                          combined.
       1/2 cup of olive oil or high oleic                            Remove  from  the  stove  and  empty
       sunflower oil                                                 the  oil  into  a  clean  glass  jar  or
       1/2 tsp liquid sunflower lecithin                             bottle--depending on the consistency
       1/2 cup of mango seed butter (shea                            you  desire  (fluid  lotion-like,  or  firm
       butter may be substituted here if you                         refrigerated salve). Add a few drops
       prefer)                                                       of the essential oil you have selected.
       5 - 8 drops essential oil                                     If  you  have  emptied  into  a  bottle,

                                                                     shake  the  ingredients  together  and
                                                                     then  refrigerate  for  about  10
                                                                     minutes.        Remove        from       the
                                                                     refrigerator  and  shake  the  bottle
                                                                     vigorously.  Your  oil-based  lotion  or
                                                                     massage  oil  will  be  shelf-stable.
                                                                     Shake before use each time.
                                                                     Use within 6 months to 1 year.
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