Page 38 - Daggabay Magazine Issue 2
P. 38

Stoners Corner

     Die  Joint  is  a  Cannabis  friendly  coffee  shop,        They served us a cup of coffee and had a
     Nursery       and     Social     Club     based     in      walk around the environment.
     Hartebeespoort,  right  across  the  dam,                   Once  acquainted  with  the  environment,
     offering spectacular views!                                 we  signed  up  as  Members.  After  being
     The  shop  has  old  Cape  Dutch  architecture,             shown around the members only area, we
     providing you with a rustic look and feel.                  ordered  ourselves  two  special  pizzas,
     They work with a membership platform that                   which  were  on  the  list  of  most  delicious
     you should definitely ask about, directly from              pizzas  ever  eaten.  The  ingredients  just
     Die  Joint;  Their  team  also  offer  a  lease             perfectly  matched,  the  base  crispy,  and
     agreement, whereby they farm your bud for                   the tastebuds were having a festival.
     you, custom, according to your needs
     They  have  a  private  members'  area  that                The  buds  we  smoked  were  very  delicate
     offers  you  the  option  to  root  yourself  by            and  cured  to  perfection,  the  taste
     removing your shoes, laying in the hammock,                 incredible and it  looked unbelievable.
     walking  on  the  grass  and  digging  your  feet           Ultimately, our experience was incredible.
     into  the  beach  sand  at  the  seating  area;             The  environment  filled  with  positive

     WHICH WE ALL DID!                                           energy,  the  views  of  the  dam  and
                                                                 mountain  ridges  spectacular,  and  the

     Upon  arrival,  the  team  who  immediately                 service up to par!
     made us feel at home, welcomed us.
     We  were  shown  around  the  store  which                  Ratings:
     offers  various  items  for  sale;  Including
     Substrates,       Composts,       Growing       Bags,       Service: 9/10
     Nutrients and more.                                         Offerings: 10/10
     They  allow  members  of  the  club  access  to             Food: 10/10
     extraction equipment which they may use;                    Venue: 10/10
     TERMS AND CONDITIONS APPLY                                  Bud Potency 10/10
                                                                 Flavor: 12/10

                                                                                   Die Joint,
                                                                          The Bayview Estate,

                                                                         R512, Broederstroom,

                                                                             +27 82 414 6051

                                                                          Review By Colin                        
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