Page 76 - Daggabay Magazine Issue 2
P. 76

Mel's Reviews
                                                                                         420 Cafe Midrand
                                                                                Member Only Social Cafe

             So,  I  started  typing  out  my  little               Life     happened        and      eventually
             review  last  night  after  visiting                   yesterday  morning  I  woke  up  with  a
             yesterday morning, and I was having                    sense of immediacy… "we shall try 420
             pipe after joint after Bong and, I just...             Cafe  Midrand  for  brunch!!"  (it  was
             I was trying to create… Well, I wanted                 then  7am…)  Hubby...initially  NOT
             to be back at that Cafe, truth be told!!               impressed.... And after a few moments
             "what are you on about so early on a                   totally on board…           (see, currently
             Monday Mel?! Juthuth!!" - I hear you                   my lot in life comes with a sprinkling
             think?!  Well,  dear  friends...  Let  me              of social anxiety and agoraphobia... So
             elaborate. (and you know I can waffle.                 me  asking,  nay,  wanting  to  leave  the
             …)  So,  firstly,  seen  them  advertise               house, he was immediately on board...
             weekly  here  on  SACHGS,  and  one                    Good man I got myself!) Now, granted,

             specific  event  caught  my  eye.                      I  should  have  done  the  relevant
             "Mexican  Wednesdays"  Long  story                     research,  such  as,  what  time  they
             short... I'm a fan of the food and drink               open...But... Nooo.... Ons Wil Nou Gaan!
             and vibe... So ticked "interested" like                Fortunately  my  morning  blaze  kicked
             2 months ago. .. Now having that in a                  in      and      slowed        me       down
             420  friendly  environment?!  Naaah!!!                 immeasurably...  So  we  eventually  left
             Can't be!!...?                                         home  at  10,  went  passed  McD's  and

                                                                    arrived at 10.45. They open at 11.00
                                                                    *blank stare from hubby*...
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