Page 78 - Daggabay Magazine Issue 2
P. 78
One of the MOST popular and FASTEST growing
cannabis group on FACEBOOK in South Africa
and extending to the rest of the world. Anyone can join and share their Cannabis
We would like to INVITE you join this AWESOME plants, News, Seeds, Strains, Dabs, Buds,
and AMAZING GROUP SACHGS and LEARN HOW Hemp, Oils, Nutrients, Medicinal, Edibles,
TO GROW CANNABIS AND HEMP. Fuel, Licenses, Lights, Building Materials,
Clothing, Views, Tips, Soil, Constructive
All you need to do is JOIN and you most welcome Advice, Humour, and Experience’s of their
to POST and ENGAGE immediately as per rules. small or BIG crop from anywhere in South
We have been working 24 hours a day with Africa!
various admin and moderators to keep it the
BEST and QUALITY Cannabis group in SOUTH Constructive Sharing is Caring! Come
AFRICA, It's always ACTIVE and EXCITING!! JOIN experience how Cannabis can heal most
NOW !!!! ❤️ ailments, stress, anxiety, diseases, bones to
brains and the entire human body in many
This group is for avid Cannabis growers from ways as well as general health well being
beginners (Corporal's) to advanced stage from all our members, plenty success
(General Connoisseur's) or from recreational to stories to help YOU!
commercial use like bio-fuels etc;) ✌
ONE LOVE! ✌️ ❤️ The South African Cannabis is a natural medicine for more
Cannabis and Hemp Growers Society! (SACHGS) than 6000 years, why are you using
pharmaceutical chemicals which destroys
Come JOIN as a member or lose out, and
let's strive, learn and help each other in
Vid the Cannabis Community through the
HempSS natural God given way!