Page 83 - Daggabay Magazine Issue 2
P. 83
Green Thumb
Pinch, Pluck, Clip And Be Calm
This method is for growing bushier plants
and achieving bigger and thicker buds. Keep The Area Clean
Pinch off the middle growth point on the We recommend you use organic pets
top of the plant to stimulate a bushy control all over your grow room before
development, but only if the plant is not you bring the plants in, Clean the walls
less than 2 weeks away from budding. and the floor then cover the whole room
Then pluck away any leaves that are with material to keep any pests from
blocking the light from entering any entering. Keeping the plant area clean is
growth points. Don`t forget to clip as the another essential thing to keep in mind.
process creates controlled and beneficial While it may sound obvious it`s still
stress on the plant. Don`t rush the steps worth mentioning due to the sensitivity
and monitor the process as the plant of cannabis to disease. The best way to
grows. keep your plants safe from diseases is to
wash your hands and clean your tools
before handling the plants.
Air Circulation and Humidity
Having a well ventilated grow room with Harvesting At The Right Time
free-flowing air is another important Don`t harvest too early or late. The buds
aspect. All professional growers are aware have reached maturity when the white
that the quality of air can make that subtle hairs have changed their colour to rusty
difference in quality that makes great into red or even brownish. It`s also common
amazing. practice to harvest a few buds on
If you`re growing less than 3 plants of up separate stages to determine exactly
to medium size it`s enough to use two which one yields the best results. As the
oscillating fans. If you`re growing more THC in the plant matures the effects get
plants it means that you need more grow “stonier” so to say.
lights, which generate more heat and
require the usage of more fans and a Drying And Curing
better air circulation system. Humidity This is the final and sweetest step in the
stumps a lot of new growers and causes growing process, but certainly not one
several unexpected problems. that should be neglected in terms of
Maintaining higher humidity during the preparation.
vegetative stage will reduce salt levels Drying and curing properly helps the
within the plant while encouraging buds be more aromatic, have a better
healthy and lush growth. When your plant appearance and even increases potency.
starts flowering, your plant will prefer less Dry the buds nicely without rushing the
humidity. process and then cure them in jars for
up to a month for them to get tighter.