Page 86 - Daggabay Magazine Issue 2
P. 86
Green Thumb
Natural sunlight provides the entire light
spectrum. As the year moves along and
seasons change the amount of wavelength
energy changes. In the summer sunlight is When to use blue lights 450–495 mn
heavy with green and blue wavelengths,
while in the fall because of the shorter days Most growers use blue lights during the
and the sun being lower in the sky, it will give vegetative stage. This will encourage the
off more red light. cannabis plant to be short and fat and to
have large, healthy leaves.
Indoor growers will typically use compact
What is Grow Light Spectrum?
Grow light spectrum refers to the fluorescent lamps, T5/T8 lighting fixtures,
or metal halide bulbs during the first
electromagnetic wavelengths of light
produced by a light source to promote plant several weeks. This encourages the plants
to stay compact.
growth. For photosynthesis, plants use light
in the PAR (photosynthetic active radiation)
region of wavelengths (400nm-750nm) When to use red lights 620–750 mn
measured in nanometers (nm). Most growers use red or yellow grow lights
that have higher ratios of red during the
flowering stage. This helps encourage the
Nanometers are a universal unit of plants to promote budding and grow tall. It
is also possible for plants to get into the
measurement but also used to measure the
spectrum of light – humans can only detect flowering stage more quickly if you use red
light compared to blue light.
visible light spectrum wavelengths (380-
740nm). Plants, on the other hand, detect
wavelengths including our visible light and
beyond, to include UV and Far Red