Page 81 - Daggabay Magazine Issue 2
P. 81

     Green Thumb
     G G r e e n     T h u m b

                                                                   Soap Spray
      Organic pest control                                         Soap is useful in taking out a wide variety
      When       you're      growing       your                    of  garden  pests,  including  aphids,  scale,
      cannabis  plant,  the  last  thing  you                      mites, and thrips. Just add one teaspoon of
      want  is  insects  helping  themselves                       dishwashing soap to 2l of water and spray
      to  your  wonderful  plant.  The  best                       the mixture on the plant.

      way to get rid of these insects is by                        It's  important  to  ensure  that  the  soap
      using  natural  pest  control  so  that                      product you use doesn't have additives that
      you do not harm your plants.                                 are harmful to plants and that you dilute it
                                                                   sufficiently     to     avoid     damage.       We
      Here  are  a  few  homemade  pest                            recommend Sunlight liquid.
      Blackjack and Khakibos                                       Fungal Disease Solution
      A lot of people think khakibos and                           Water  and  milk  work  just as  well  as  toxic
      blackjack  are  the  same  plants                            fungicides  at  preventing  the  growth  of
      because      the    flowers      growing                     powdery mildew. This mixture will need to
      around       blackjack      looks      like                  be  reapplied  regularly,  but  it  works  great.
      khakibos, but they smell completely                          The  most  concentrated  recommended
      different.  Blackjack  and  khakibos                         mixture  is  40%  milk  and  60%  water,  and
      stop  insects  from  eating  plants,                         the most dilute 10% milk and 90% water.
      disgusts some insects, or kills them,
      and best of all it's free. Cover with                        Citrus Oil and Cayenne Pepper

      hot  water  and  soak  for  24  hours                        This  combination works well  on  ants. Mix
      then  strain.  Depending  on  how                            10  drops  of  citrus  essential  oil  with  1
      much you want to make, we use the                            teaspoon  cayenne  pepper  and  1  cup  of
      one on one ratio, crush a hand full                          warm  water.  Shake  well  and  spray  on  the
      of  blackjack  and  a  hand  full  of                        affected areas.
      khakibos.  Then  add  it  to  1l  hot
      water,  this  is  one  of  the  most                         Hot Chilli
      effective  ways  to  get  rid  of  the                       Hot  chilli  repels  caterpillars,  maggots  and
      insects, we recommend you use this                           all soft-bodied insects.
      method up until 4 weeks before you                           What  you’ll  need:  4  hot  chillies,1  small
      harvest  because  it  may  affect  the                       onion,1 clove garlic and 2ℓ water. Crush the
      taste of your bud.                                           chillies,  onion  and  garlic  in  the  water  and
                                                                   bring to the boil.
                                                                   Let it rest for two days then strain. Dilute 1
                                                                   part mixture to 4 parts water and apply to
                                                                   the affected plants. (It can burn plants if it’s

                                                                   too  strong,  so  test  on  a  small  area  before
                                                                   spraying further.)
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