Page 87 - Daggabay Magazine Issue 2
P. 87

Green Thumb


                                                                    When  to  Use  Yellow  Lights  570–
                                                                    Yellow lighting is a strong choice when
                                                                    it  comes  to  promoting  long  stems  and
                                                                    encouraging       germination       in    your
                                                                    cannabis plants.
                                                                    Yellow lights are actually very versatile,
                                                                    as  they  also  work  well  during  the
         When to Use Green Lights 495–570 mn
         The      green     light    spectrum        helps          flowering stage. At that point, they can
                                                                    slightly increase bud production.
         encourage        plant      growth       overall.
         Importantly,  this  part  of  the  light                   If you mostly keep your cannabis plants
         spectrum does a better job of penetrating                  under  HPS  lighting,  you  can  expect
         into the plant compared to red and blue                    them  to  feature  gold  or  yellow  hues,
         lights.                                                    possibly  even  within  the  buds.  This  is
         Ideally,  you  will  want  to  incorporate                 just a result  of  the  lighting  and  should
         some  green-spectrum  light  into  your                    not affect flavour, aroma, or quality.
         grow  lighting  to  get  the  benefits  of  this
         colour.  If  you  cannot  afford  a  light  that           When  to  Use  Violet  Lights  380–450
         only has the green spectrum, then opt for
         a  fluorescent  light  that  includes  a  small            Most  of  the  LED  grow  lights  on  the
                                                                    market for cannabis will have a slightly
         amount.  Luckily,  only  a  few  LED  lights
         will  not  have  any  green  spectrum  in                  purple  tone.  This  part  of  the  colour
         them.  Every  other  light  should  have  at               spectrum  helps  encourage  the  growth
         least some.                                                of fatter buds, which is always ideal.
         It  is  also  important  to  never  overdo  the            Growers  should  strongly  consider
                                                                    opting for a mixed spectrum light, such
         green  light  spectrum  at  the  expense  of
         other  lights.  While  green  lights  are                  as  one  including  purple.  This  will
                                                                    improve the light’s penetration into the
         incredibly helpful for plant growth, your
         cannabis plant requires some of the other                  plant,  providing  it  with  more  energy.
                                                                    That increased energy, in turn, results in
         colours even more to thrive.
                                                                    larger yields and stronger growth.
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