Page 58 - Daggabay Magazine Issue 3
P. 58
The Best Grow Lights for Indoor Metal Halide Grow Lights
Metal Halide or MH grow lights are
LED Grow Lights – The Modern, primarily used during the vegetative
Efficient Solution stage. This is the part of the cannabis
Short for light-emitting diode, an LED plant’s life where growth takes off,
is a simple form of light with an and leaves begin to flourish. MH
efficient energy signature. Due to lights produce a strongly blue-tinged
how the light is generated within an light, which the plants prefer at this
LED, they use a smaller amount of stage of growth.
electricity for the same amount of
light compared to other sources. If It might sound strange that a plant
you try to use the cheap, Christmas- prefers a type of light. However,
style lights, your weed harvest is different colored lights are mostly
going to be smaller than the LED’s just different wavelengths and
carbon footprint. intensities. Due to this difference in
wavelength, the plant prefers
We know that LED lights can get stronger or weaker lights at various
costly, that’s why we searched all over stages of its development. We get
the world for the best quality LED into the light spectrums and what
lights at an incredible price, now colors can do for your cannabis plant
anyone can grow high quality in Daggabay Magazine Issue 2.
cannabis and not hurt your pockets,
you’ll find this LED light on High-Pressure Sodium Grow Lights
High-Pressure Sodium, or HPS, grow
lights are far more efficient than other
HID Grow Lights – The Energy forms of HID. They emit a gentler,
Hungry Choice yellow light that cannabis prefers
HID grow lights, short for High- when it is in the flowering stage. This
Intensity Discharge, are large light yellow light helps encourage intense
bulbs that emit a tremendous amount bud production. It allows you to
of heat and light. They usually require configure the eventual size of your
a full exhaust fan to remove the harvest more precisely. You can buy
excess heat, and electricity HPS lighting in a variety of strengths,
consumption is enormous. Also, they but don’t use 1000w. It is far too
generally need a decent amount of powerful and is only suitable if you
time and space to set up a properly have created a vast underground field
working system.
of weed! A pair of 400w or 600w HPS
lights should suffice.
Light Emitting Ceramic Grow Lights