Page 57 - Daggabay Magazine Issue 3
P. 57
The SCROG training technique is a
growing system that allows us to get Choose the Right Container
the best yields from our grow tent Choosing the right container is
with very few plants. SCROG are the vitally important, especially if
initials of Screen of Green, a you’re growing in a tight space.
technique in which plants are grown, Many new growers don’t take the
literally, through a mesh or screen. size of their containers into
account, and then they end up with
SCROG a space problem. If you’re growing
If you need to grow in a tight space, in a taller, vertical space, you’re
using the SCROG method is probably going to want taller, thinner
going to be your best option. SCROG containers. If you’re growing in a
ensures that your plants grow neat room with lower ceilings, you’re
and tidy, which is a must if you’re going to want containers that are
looking to optimize a small amount of lower to the ground and fatter.
space. SCROG prevents your
branches from growing out of control Best strain to grow when you have a
and crowding each other out. small growing space
Make Sure the Room is Well When you’re tight on space, you’ve
Ventilated gotta pick the right strain! Your best
bet in this case is to grow an indica
If you’re growing in a small space, a strain, as they tend to grow in short,
well ventilated room is a must. It’s a stocky and closer to the ground.
must for any indoor growing Sativas are not the best for this type
operation, but the quickest way to kill of operation. They can be grown
your plants in a small space is to indoors in tight spaces, but your
have a poorly ventilated room. If results may not be ideal.
you’re growing in a closet or a
cupboard, an oscillating fan will
provide your space with plenty of
ventilation. On we sell
the perfect fan made for indoor