Page 60 - Daggabay Magazine Issue 3
P. 60
The water and nutrient requirements of
your plants will change as they grow
and develop. A young seedling will take
up much less water than a vigorous
flowering plant with a large root system.
This could mean that you water a small
plant every 2–3 days, as opposed to once
per day with a rapidly maturing plant. SIZE OF CONTAINER
The dimensions of your container will
GROWING MEDIUM also affect the overall balance between
The type of growing medium you use moisture retention and drainage. If you
largely determines how much water the have a tiny plant in a huge pot,
soil can hold, and drainage plays a huge drenching the whole substrate is going
role in how often/how much you water to drown the poor thing before it gets a
your plants. Cannabis likes rich yet airy chance to flourish. Similarly, you might
and “fluffy” types of soils that are well- experience the opposite issue with
draining. As another consideration, the huge root-bound plants stuck in
growing containers themselves must minuscule pots. This is also the reason
have holes punctured in the bottom to that growers normally start seedlings
allow the water to escape. More compact in smaller pots, then up-pot them later
soil mixes will hold moisture much as the plant grows. A small seedling pot
longer, so they require less frequent makes it much easier not to over water
watering as a result. Moisture can linger the sensitive seedling.
in the soil for some time, which can lead
to nutrient deficiencies, root rot and OUTSIDE TEMPS AND LIGHT
fungus, pests, and a whole lot of other INTENSITY
problems. Cannabis plants don’t always grow at
the same pace. A plant in a cooler
Here is a quick way to check if your environment, for example, will grow
water is draining properly: If it takes much slower than one under warmer
several minutes for water to drain after conditions. Light intensity plays
drenching the soil, and/or if it takes another big role here. Plants that
longer than 3–4 days for your soil to dry receive more heat and light are bound
out, it’s likely that you have a drainage to have higher water and nutrient
issue. requirements than those with meagre
light and chilly temps.